We Stayed Together Through…

“We stayed together through your toe shoes.”

Days later I am still laughing at this statement. Instantly after he said it I said, “that would make a great blog post title.”

Anyway, he and I were conversing about men’s attire. I don’t know how we got on the subject but I started talking about certain styles that I am super glad he is not into because … I just don’t know how I would handle that.
Ok, so in case you are wondering, a few of the things I absolutely cannot manage:
-bright suits. Canary yellow, red, “baby” blue…you get it
-and definitely not the matching shoes.
Above was the crux of the convo, but same applies to all this fluresant gear people are wearing, especially after a certain age.


So he threatened a bit then ended by stating, “we made it through your toe shoes.”
I could have died laughing because
1. I never knew he felt so strongly. I know he doesn’t like but umm lets just say a lot more people wear them these days.
2. I am really into toe shoes. Not as much now due to color issue,weather, and brand. I have Adidas brand right now that I have almost worn out but I really do prefer vibram. And I guess you can add lifestyle shortly.
3. I’ve been wearing them so long.

Enough Rambling:
The takeaway:
Be more mindful about my own quirkiness that may really be driving my husband crazy. And appreciate that he is giving me the space to “do me.”
and Nope still don’t think I can manage to see him in a loud suit. No bueno!!!!

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